Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Au-pair application

Tworzenie aplikacji to wbrew pozorom dość przyjemna sprawa. U mnie mieszało się to z ekscytacją i zdenerwowaniem. Może być ciężko, ale wszystko zależy od podejścia :)

Punkt pierwszy - LIST ! Nasiedziałam się nad nim troszkę, ale uważam, że było warto. Bardzo pomogła mi też koleżanka z Kanady, która poprawiła go troszkę ;)

Dear future host family,
My name is Martyna and I am almost 19 years old. I was born in Ostrołęka - a city in central Poland around 100 kilometers away from the capital city of Poland, which is called Warsaw. I have been living here my whole life. I currently go to high school and I really enjoy it. I love going to school and learning new things in general. I really love my family which includes my parents, my brother, and I. My mom who is named Danuta is a shop assistant and my father who is named Marcin, works as an electrician. My brother Daniel is 6 years younger than me and I always want to help my mother with taking care of him. I love being an older sister. He attends elementary school now. Me and my family are very close with each other. We talk a lot, play games, and spend a lot of time together. I help my brother with his homework and we play with our dog Keksio. I truly enjoy spending time with children. In my life I have been taking care of children of many different ages. Starting with infants, where I have been changing their diapers, fed them with bottles and had to put them to bed. I took care of toddlers aged between 2 and 5 who have been saying their first words and made their first steps in front of me. I help the older children that I take care of with their homework, I cook for them, and I would drive them to additional classes like piano lessons or English. I consider my biggest achievement as a nanny is being liked and accepted by a girl named Victoria who is suffering from epilepsy. The medication she takes is very strong and her parents have a difficult time with her sometimes. She gets along with me very well, listens to me and is very polite. I think she takes me as her role model so it is a big responsibility for me. I also have been looking after Tatiana-a really wonderful girl. She is just amazing. The only problem I had with her was that I had to encourage her to eat becouse she tended to forget about it. I didn't mind supervising her when she was playing with her friends or siblings. I will never forget these incredible moments we spend together. When it comes to my experience with infants - I adore my little neighbour Lucy who is 4 years old now. I started caring for her when she was just 6 months old. Firstly I just helped her mom but after a few days I was left with her alone. It is such an amazing feeling to be able to care for her. Now she calls me her favourite aunt. In the future , after my stay with your family I plan on starting nutrition studies because I want to become a dietitian. I have been interested in this subject for a very long period of time. My friends often ask me how to lose weight or just how to live healthy. It is really important to have a healthy body in my opinion. Also I really like to cook for my family and friends and the more I know about nutrition the more delicious my meals become. I am a person of many hobbies for example I play sports. I like playing volleyball with my friends, rollerblading and riding a bike. During the summer time I mostly use a bike to get to places. I am also really into photography. I like to catch moments and save them on a picture which will remind me of those memories. I also love reading books. My favourite book is "My Sisters Keeper" written by Jodi Picoult. I like Paulo Coelho books as well. Majority of books I have read have changed my attitude towards life. I think that a day without reading is a bad day. I love driving a car! I have passed my drivers exam last year and since then I drive every day. I actually consider driving as one of my hobbies. I am always willing to drive anywhere regardless of being tired or the weather. Driving is a pure pleasure for me. I was taught how to drive in difficult and dangerous situations like when the car is slipping. When it comes to driving, safety is the most important for me so before I start the engine I always check if every passenger has their seatbelt buckled. There is no way that a child rides without their seatbelt fastened. Everyone has to be safe when I am behind the wheel. The reason I want to stay with your family is that I want to see your children grow up. I love teaching kids new things and it would be a wonderful experience for me to see your son or daugther making his/her first steps in front of me or saying his/her first words. I love kids, I love spnding time with them and I really want to be like their older sister. This is a great pleasure but also a huge responsibility and I am aware of this. I would love to be the person who plays games with them, helps them with their homework and spends some quality time with them. I have decided to come to the United States because I love travelling, getting to know new cultures and there is no better place in the world as diverse as the United States of America. I'll be able to admire beautiful and exotic views. I'll be able to complain that it is winter in the north of the country and after a several hour flight I could experience hot weather and sun on the south. Also I can meet people from around the world and meet friends that I could possibly have for the rest of my life. I also want to speak English fluently. Being able to stay with you is one of the best ways I can learn the language because I will be actually using it on a daily basis with you and your children. Thank you for being interested in my application. I appreciate it very much and I hope you liked it and I look forward to hearing from you . Bye

Punkt drugi-zdjęcia!
Miałam ich około 20 na roomach. Ozdobiłam je, żeby troszkę się wyróżnić... była to porada, którą dostałam od agencji. Szczerze mówiąc - wątpię, że kilka znaczków na zdjęciach cokolwiek zmieniło. Generalnie myślę, że dobrze mieć zdjęcia z różnych pór roku, z różnych sytuacji a nie cały czas z jednym dzieckiem, tego samego dnia w tych samych ubraniach :)

Punkt trzeci - filmik. Tu już totalnie zaszalałam. Zobaczcie sami. Moim faworytem jest smerf- jak widać miałam już dość tego kręcenia ;)



  1. filmik jest rewelacyjny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ale masz akcent fajny! :D

  3. lubię Twój filmik, oglądałąm go wieeeeeeeeele razy :D co do zdjęć... sama też uważam, że ozdabianie nie ma zbyt wielkiego wpływu na cokolwiek. Raczej ozdoby robią zamieszanie..

    1. hahahha dzięki :* Ja juz nie mogę na niego patrzeć! Zrobiłabym to totalnie inaczej teraz :D
